When whalers were not busy with shipboard duties or when they were in home port for long periods, they spent much of their time at different crafts. Some involved the use of whale ivory. They carved not only intricate shapes, gadgets for the kitchen, sewing items, toys, etc.; but they also etched designs and pictures on whales teeth and bones as well as on slices of ivory. Scrimshaw, the art of carving or incising intricate designs on whalebone or whale ivory (later on elephant, walrus, or mastodon), soon was being used as decorations on the cane and wood baskets. Knobs, latches and pegs for pocketbooks were also of ivory, and the distinctive Nantucket Purse became a fashion statement.
Basketry, Etc. Handcrafted Nantucket Baskets Nantucket Pocketbooks Square Nantucket Baskets
Round Nantucket Baskets Other Nantucket Baskets
Oval Nantucket Baskets Instructional Booklets




Mary's Nantucket Tote

Mary's Tote

A smaller tote (8 x 3 1/2 x 6") with leather side handles is also available.

Monogrammed quarterboards mounted on wooden backplates are available.

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If you would like to order, please e-mail for instructions. VISA, MC, Discover, money orders, or personal checks are accepted.

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